Monday, August 23, 2010

the walk, the human and the chiffarobe

A few months ago, my husband and I were returning from a walk we took up the road. I was pushing my baby in the stroller, and Mike went off ahead of me {he likes to run... my brain would like to run, but my body rejects that idea}. When I approached the driveway, he was standing there waiting for me. We had both spotted an old chiffarobe sitting at the end of a driveway that had been discarded and left for the trash men to take. Of course in Mike&Jaimie Fashion {we've done it before}, we decided that we should rescue that old unwanted piece of furniture and recreate it... repurpose it... give it new life.

It has taken me about 3 months to get my tush in gear to get it done, but this week I finished my treasure. As I sat there picking off gross stickers that were haphazardly placed on the door, sanded the ugly {with a capital U} peach paint and covered it with a fresh coat of paint, I couldn't help but think about God and the similarities I have to that old chest. {I'm such a theologian}

God took this ugly unwanted human and has slowly stripped away the ugliness to uncover a raw person. He's slowly changed me and has created a new person {or a new creation} and repurposed me for something beautiful.

I'm not sure what I'm going to use my new creation for... but I know it's something good. Hmm... I'm not sure what God is going to use me for, but I'm sure it'll be good too.

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