Wednesday, September 1, 2010

new year. new routines.

The beginning of a new school year is like January 1st to me. I get a new calendar in January, but my new year begins the day my kids step on the bus for the first time after summer break. Our school year has begun {and I'll dare to add smoothly}. Today is day 3 of that new year, and if all goes as the last 2 have, I have high hopes for the remaining 177.

Maya started in a new school this year. She is now a big kid and is in the Intermediate School. Wow. I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around her being in fifth grade. It's just not possible. And my Ethan? He's in 3rd grade?? Crazy.

We started a new routine for the school year which I'm super stoked about. I've had intentions of doing this in previous years, but I'm not very good with following through. It's a character flaw. It's one of many. But this year is different. This year I am GOING to do this. It's a necessity.

Every morning after breakfast is served and enjoyed, my big kids and I sit down and read the Bible and do a daily {kid} devotional and then pray. I wasn't sure how my kids would respond to my idea, but I am excited to report that they are completely on board. And after this morning's discussion and prayer? I got a hug from my son.

Made. My. Day.

We've done this for 3 days now. What is that saying? Do something 21 times and it's a habit? Ok, 3 down, 18 to go. I know we can do this. We have to do this. It's so very important... if I'm not going to have my kids read about and talk to God, who is? Who else is going to pray for their safety? For their attentiveness and learning environment? Who else is going to ask God to protect them from all the evil in the world? Probably no one... That's all up to Mike and me. I'm taking that seriously.

So, I ask for prayer. If you think of me or one of my kids, pray that we follow through with our new routine. It's really important to me... to all of us.


  1. Must be something in the air. I added Bible Study to Sean's curriculum and Day One went well. He protested having to draw pictures of what was created on each day, but he got over it. We didn't get much else done, but what subject is more important than God's Word?

  2. Well done, my friend=) Can I just say how much I love you and your desire to care for your children in this way. I love how Ethan hugged you afterwards sweet.

    Love you lots!
