Friday, September 24, 2010

my day of boxing. in retrospect.

anyway,I had a productive day yesterday.  Showered, dressed and ready to go by 8am, I had high hopes for the day.  My sister-in-law's baby shower is this weekend, and I had a lot to do in order to get ready for my hosting duties {yes, I said duties}.  I was out of the house with Landon in tow by 8:10, got my Starbucks fix by 8:30, was at Target by 8:50 and ran in and out of Michael's by 9:45.  After driving home and switching my wardrobe around, I went to work.  The day was looking good.

I had planned the evening around Maya's viola lesson which happens every thursday at 5:30.  In my head, I had my route planned out... viola teacher's house, Starbucks {again}, pick up maya, run for shoes, ect.  It was well thought out and was going to work... until 4:00 hit.

ethan was the first of my children to get off the bus, and in perfect ethan form, totally didn't see me standing there at the bus stop waiting for them {or at least that's what i convinced myself of... because any other explanation would probably induce tears}.  maya exited the bus, came across the street and wouldn't look at me.  she didn't have her viola {she had orchestra yesterday}.  i asked her where it was and she told me she forgot it in her classroom.  then she burst into tears.  i asked her what was wrong and she held up a sandwich sized ziploc bag with the arm of her glasses inside.  ugh.  her glasses broke.  so, i tried to comfort her {because i knew that she was very upset and she thought -knew- I would be upset too... but i didn't let her know that i was.  too tramatic.}.  anyway, i had to call her instructor for viola to tell her that maya forgot her instrument at school and wouldn't be able to make her lesson.  i sent ethan out to the car to get my cell phone so i could look up the number.  got the phone.  call made.  done.  i had to readjust my evening and decided to head over to the eye doctor to see what could be done about her glasses. i woke landon up from his nap, packed his paraphernalia, rounded up the big kids and went to get in the car.

Guess what?  ethan decided to lock the car door when he was done.  car keys on the driver's seat.  spare key in purse.  purse on passenger's side seat.


i know.  i know.  why would i leave my keys and my purse and the spare in the car?  it's a habit i've made when i know i'll be leaving shortly.  it's a bad one, i'm aware, but it's a habit.  it won't happen again.

anyway, i called my parents and asked to borrow a car.  after the words left my mouth, i realized it didn't matter if i had a car, i had no money.  so i had to call mike.

long story short, mike called AAA, they came within an hour, glasses are being ordered and life went on.

by the time mike got home last night {8pm}, i just had to get out.  alone.  and after sobbing into the chest of my best friend, asking to be a normal family again, i was able to step out for a few hours and breathe.  i met my very good friend for some coffee/iced tea {at starbucks.. i did get my fix} and was able to just talk and be in the moment.

in retrospect, it wasn't a bad day.  it just wasn't what i had planned and i had to roll with the punches.  i just feel like life throws punches left and right and i get knocked out of the ring a lot.  

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