Monday, July 27, 2009

gotta give Him props

After my last blog,  I realized that all I have been doing is complaining and whining or verbalizing how crazy my life is.  And now, I feel convicted to give a shout out to my Savior.  I am always so concerned about getting stupid life inconveniences off my chest when I really should be getting those things off my chest by taking them to my God... not blogging about it.  He has done some amazing things in my life and I am so thankful for such a loving, gracious and merciful God.  Life sucks... I suck... but He loves me anyway.  My Dad once made a comment that I have now stolen and I use it all the time... "God made me.  He knows how dumb I am."  I love that!  I have been a Christian for most of my life.  But, I have been a Follower of Jesus for just a few years.... and YES, there is a difference.  I love that I can be totally me, screw ups and all, and he just opens His arms to me and loves me no matter what.  What parent can say that about their children?  I know I can't.  I wish I could, but there are times when my kids screw up and it makes me sooo mad and it's hard to love them unconditionally.  It's hard to love anyone unconditionally.  But my Lord loves me unconditionally.  He loves me when I'm having a bad hair day, when I am PMSing something fierce, when I make the worst decisions ever- and then I make the same mistakes again... and again.  He loves me when I fail and when I succeed.  He loves me when I am at my most unlovable.   He loves me when I feel like my world is crumbling around me and I feel like I am totally alone.  But then He quietly whispers that I am not alone and I need to call out to Him.  He'll be my rock, my foundation, my guardian, my steadfast support.  He loves me when I turn my back on Him and then accepts me back with no questions asked.  Seriously... I question why He would do that ALL the time... but I accept that He does and I am so thankful.

I don't know if this makes sense or if it sounds incredibly childlike... but I don't care... cause He loves me anyway.


  1. It doesn't sound childlike to me!
    I'm really loving reading your insights on life. I, too, question why God would choose to love me unconditionally (I'm not sure if I can really wrap my head around what that IS), but it certainly is freeing.
    I love you.
    And if you get me a list, I'll do the grocery shopping for you. I LOVE to grocery shop, by the way.
    Just a thought:).

  2. Jaimie~

    I LOVE YOU=) So kind of God to accept us and forgive us and show us mercy over and over and over again. I want to be more like that with my girlies and Damien and all those I come in contact with...I would love to get together with you soon, my friend. Love you...
