Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Learning how to walk

I hit a traffic jam on my journey to weight loss. Well, maybe not a traffic jam, more of a slow crawl through a town of quaint little stores... a definite place of temptation for me.

My day yesterday went rather well. I tried to stay busy, as not to let the monster of hunger get to me, but instead sat on the sofa curled up in a ball with a blanket trying to stay warm. And while my main mission was to keep my body from freezing, I watched TV. Mindless hours of TV. I'm kind of ashamed to admit it because we really try to keep TV watching to a minimum in this house. But I watched it anyway. Hours of NCIS. It was a glorious marathon of NCIS. So, while I watched Gibbs, DiNozo, Zeva, Ducky and Abby crack their cases, I sat curled up wanting to munch.

I lasted the whole day without munching. OK, I lie. I had carrots. But in the land of Weight Watchers, they're free! No points for carrots. So, I munched on my carrots until my husband came home. The rest of the evening kind of flew by and I found myself back on the sofa watching TV. But, I noticed a trend. I get munchies late at night. I snacked twice. Darn it. But I stayed in my point range so it shouldn't be too detrimental to the scale come Friday. But seriously, how sad is it that I sit down, children free (cause they're in bed), next to my husband watching TV and all I want to do is have a snack? I think it's a little bit on the "not right" side. So, I have decided that this little trend needs to stop.

I, Jaimie, do solemnly swear that I will not snack past 8:00 pm.

Baby steps. I have to learn how to walk the walk of healthy eating and good-for-me-choices. It's all baby steps right now.

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