Monday, June 7, 2010

I went back and see what it got me?

Last year was a horrible year for me and doctors. In the span of one year, I broke my wrist, spent 5 days in the hospital while I was in labor for 44 hours of that with my youngest son, had issues after his birth which required a lot of blood loss/tests and other tests, and then another 3 days in the hospital for an appendectomy. After all of this, I made a vow to stay away from doctors for one year.

I did it.

One year was two months ago. I went back to a doctor today.

I've been having problems with my foot lately and it's gotten progressively worse. Walking has become painful, so my husband insisted that I go to see a friend of ours who is a (podiatrist) surgeon.

Guess what? I have to have surgery... again.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. On one hand, I just wish I was done being broken. Saying that I'm tired of going to a doctor or having surgeries is truly an understatement. It seems as though I am the one who gets sick, gets injured, needs fixing. And there are people in my life who like to remind me of that. I don't ask for this. Believe me, if I could keep my body together and not have people cutting me open, cutting bones and screwing them back together, I would.

On the other hand, I'm glad that there is a resolution to my problem. Usually, (for the past decade or so) I have issues or pains and I am told that there is nothing wrong. We can't find anything wrong. I'm not crazy. I know that I have pain. And I feel as though I have a fairly high pain tolerance. For once, I was able to go to a doctor, present my problems and have a remedy the same day. Imagine that.

So, I'm waiting for my surgery date to come... it's a little more than a month away. I'm not scared, but I'm concerned for my mobility and ability to take care of my family. I won't be able to drive (it's my right foot) I was assured that I wouldn't be down for more than 3 days... hmm... we'll see about that.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about that!! It is no fun being injured.

    You can complain all about it the next time I see you.

    ...and if I'm near Reading when you have your surgery, I can drive you and the kids around!
