Monday, February 15, 2010


So, I have begun a little journey called weight loss. My trip began in January, and I was hoping by this time, I'd be settled on the smooth highway, ignoring the exits and potholes along the way. Well, I think I've hit every stinkin' pothole and have eaten at every rest stop.

I have decided that I'm going to use this blog as my resistance to food.

I got this wonderful idea from an even more wonderful friend (thanks SK) to blog about my food and the exercise that I engage in. She's an inspiration to me and because she aspires to be a blog writer, I am hoping that she can see that even I can do it (and I have no talent for writing). So, I begin my fist entry to make the munchies go away.

As I made my decision to eat healthier and to take better care of myself, I had to come to some very eye opening realizations. I kinda knew all about these issues, but I chose to sweep them under the carpet with the rest of my cookie crumbs. Food is my friend. Food is my companion. Food is my comfort. Food is my non-judgmental, I-don't-care-how-big-your-butt-is partner for life. Sad realizations, but true nonetheless.

So my hope is that I can write my way through my emotions and times of loneliness. My hope is that, as I work through some of this crap, my hunger will be nothing more than something that comes a few times a day for the purpose of getting nutrition. My hope is that I won't pick up that cookie because I don't want to clean... or eat that ice cream because I'm bored and Mike is working late. My hope is that I lose a nice amount of weight because I don't need to eat all the time. A nice 40-50 more pounds would be fantastic...

Just for the record, I lost 6 lbs the first week, 1.4 the second, .4 the third, and I gained 1.2 the fourth. I caved.
Children home for snow days + baking to keep them happy and occupied + my issues = disaster.

I'm excited to see how this new idea helps me. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for taking this road trip with me.

PS... I'm not as hungry as I was when I started this. YAY!


  1. You go, Girl!
    I always enjoy reading your blog posts, no matter WHAT you choose to write about. But you know I can relate to the eating for emotional reasons!
    I love your honesty and your desire to continually grow:).
    Don't forget that you can eat foods you enjoy while traveling the healthy body/healthy mind road.
    I love you!

  2. Thank you, Sarah! i appreciate your encouragement... so very much!
    Love you!
