Thursday, July 2, 2009

watching paint dry

Our exchange student is  arriving tomorrow evening.  We've been anticipating her arrival for a few weeks now and I have tried to prepare the house for her.  There are two problems with that.  One, I am a procrastinator.  Two, I am a perfectionist.  When you do the mathematical equation putting one and two together, it equals disaster.  I have a strong desire to be the hostess with the mostest.  It's the Monica Gellar Syndrome (and all of my fellow 'Friends' fans will understand that).  I can't just let well enough alone.  No, I have to go above and beyond what a normal person would deem acceptable and miraculously transform a guest room into a palace.  So, this morning as I am cleaning out and rearranging the guest room I have this marvelous idea.  Not only is it 8am the morning before she arrives, it's also the perfect time to paint the room.  This is me as well... spontaneous and flying by the seat of my pants.  I managed to have one glimmer of a second in which I am thinking clearly and try to talk myself out of getting into such a project, but the insane part of my brain takes over (which for the record is about 97% of my brain) and I decide that I am going to paint today.

So, off I trot into the garage hoping that there is some paint stored and that there is enough to paint an entire room... a small room, but an entire room.  Luckily for me, there was!  So there I go back into the room with stuff strewn all over and I proceed to paint.  I don't move things out of a room when I paint.  I paint around them.  In my illogical brain, that makes the most sense.  Why empty a room when it all has to go back in anyway? So now I am climbing on beds, squeezing in between walls and sliding chairs into the tiniest of spaces, all for the sake of a beautiful room.

I am so ridiculously stupid.

While I sit here taking a break and waiting for the paint to dry, I wonder if I can take this decision back and stop the painting.  I guess it's too late.

1 comment:

  1. It's scary at how much we think alike. I would be the exact same way!! I think because we're perfectionists, a lot of tasks seem overwhelming and we don't know where to begin because we want it to be perfect, hence the procrastination. I feel your pain & honestly, I probably would've painted the room last minute too. I know I've done a ton of things like that in our home in anticipation of my family coming to visit from PA. Hence, my crappy texture job on the bathroom walls, which my friends are coming over tonight to help me re-do now that my family is gone.
